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St. Judes Academy Nov. 23rd, After School Yoga

Monday, November 4, 2013

New session and new friends

Today, we started our November session and it was a pleasure to see everyone and also welcome some new friends to our class.  We also welcomed our friend Mr. Bonesy, who will be educating the kids on various bones in our body and thereby helping them become aware of the different bones we end up using during various yoga poses.

With the younger kids we played the name game and practised various poses that started with the first letter in their name.  We certainly had a lot of fun doing our poses and each child felt very special at the end of our game.

With the older kids, I introduced the femur and tibia and we reminded ourselves of positioning both these bones safely when doing our poses.  I challenged them with a Yoga flow routine and I was so happy to see how well they are progressing.  Tomas shared how he used his breath to calm himself down, when he went trick or treating and saw something that scared him.  Always grateful to see kids take their learnings from Yoga and put them into action.

Suggested Activity:  Increase your child's awareness of their body, by identifying some of the commonly used bones, clavicle, tibia etc and make it into a game.  Shout out an activity such as walking and then your child would list the bones they use to perform that.

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