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St. Judes Academy Nov. 23rd, After School Yoga

Friday, November 1, 2013

Challenging ourself with new Poses

We had another action packed class on Monday trying out some new poses, and I was so happy to watch all the kids gave these new poses a try with a "Can DO" attitude.  

I introduced a new breathing technique called "Bunny Breath,"  where we take a few (we have started with 3) rapid breaths in a row through our nose, and then exhale out through our mouth with a long, smooth sigh.  This breathing technique helps boost their energy and clear their minds;  ask your child to teach you this fun and energizing breath:)

The kids were introduced to bow, plank and camel pose today, and admidst the excitement, I managed to take a few pictures of a few of them giving it their best shot.  With the older kids we played unscramble the word with our Yoga Alphabet cards and the kids had fun unscrambling the word           " Peace," while doing the poses that corresponded to the letters.
P: Plank
E: Elephant
A: Alive
C: Camel
E: Elephant, group pose
We are also working on holding our poses longer at least 3 full breaths in each pose for the younger kids and about 4-5 full breaths with the older ones.
The class ended with relaxation and us being grateful for the special people we have in our lives:)

Suggested Activity:  Play a game of unscramble the word with your family and come up with a Yoga pose to correspond with each chosen letter.  Get creative and come up names for the poses and use this time to connect, laugh and be active with each other.

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