All the young yogis had a delightful time, as we explored new and old poses by playing Yoga Bingo. I find games to be a fun way to engage their attention and have them practice their poses. Almost all the kids are getting quite good at holding the core poses for at least 3 breath cycles, great work everyone:)
Today, we used peace stones for relaxation, the challenge was to sit still and breathe while resting the stone on the top of our head. This exercise works very well, to help develop focus and attention while calming their minds. We then transitoned to lying down and relaxing with the stone on our belly, gently rocking the stone with our breath. Ask your children how they felt as the stone rested on their head, and if it was easy for them to stay still.

The older yogis worked on some of the flows from sun salutation, so we can build strength and stamina to do the entire sequence. I introduced Alternate Nostril breathing this week, and we talked about how this technique helps balance both sides of our brains. We talked about using it before writing a test or presenting to class or when we are experiencing stress. We also had a chance to do some fun partner poses before we transitioned to relaxation and quieting our mind with breath.
Family Activity:
Before bedtime, I will often use a peace stone or something light that can rest on the top of my son's head (in his case, his favorite hockey card) and encourage him to breathe, and sit still, balancing the object on his head, as I will read a book. We find this is very handy on nights when they are bursting with energy; using something sensory engages them and gives them something to focus on.
Have you tried this with your kids? I would love to hear what works.
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