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St. Judes Academy Nov. 23rd, After School Yoga

Saturday, April 30, 2016


I am excited to share that Blossom Yoga will be offering Friday Family Yoga for RUPS family and friends at the RUPS gym on the following dates: 
Friday -> May 13th, 20th, June 3rd and June 10th

As a RUPs parent myself, me and my family look forward to welcoming you and connecting with your family and building our RUPS community. 

Please note, if you are interested please send in your forms latest by Wednesday May 4th.    

RUPS Friday family Yoga:  No experience needed!  This is a fun class where you can bond together as a family while learning ways to unwind and stay calm after a busy week. We  will be doing gentle yoga poses, creative breathing exercises and most importantly learning ways to relax together as a family.  Parents, caregivers, grandparents all are welcome!

Look forward to connecting with all of you!
Below is a copy of the Registration form that went home last week.


Join us for Friday Family Yoga
Location:   Ray Underhill Public School Gym
No experience needed.  Bring your kids and unwind from the busy week while doing yoga poses, gentle stretching, creative breathing exercises and learning fun ways to relax together as a family! Please dress comfortably and if you have a yoga mat please feel free to bring it.

Bio:  Ummul is a RUPS mom and has been studying yoga and mindfulness for over 8 years and has been teaching Kids Yoga since 2013.  To learn more about Ummul and her fun Yoga classes, check out her blog posts on this website: www.BlossomYogaKids.com

Session Dates:  Friday -> May 13th, 20th, June 3rd and June 10th
Time:  6:30pm – 7:15pm
Place:  RUPS Gym
Who:  Open to parents/caregivers and kids (4 years and older)

Cost:  Each Yoga Session is $12 per family
           Total Cost of $48 for 4 sessions
Please send the completed form back to your child’s teacher along with cash or cheque* in the envelope provided by Wednesday May 4th.
*Cheques payable to: Ummul Patrawala


Parent/Caregiver Name(s):       __________________________
Child 1 Name:  _________________________________
Child 2 Name:  ________________________________
Child 3 Name:  ________________________________
Ages of Kid(s): ________      _______      ________
Email address:  ______________________________________
Home Number: _________________  Cell:  _______________

Monday, April 25, 2016

A Mini Surprise - RUPS lunch time yoga registration package

Have you had a chance to take a peek at the Lunch time Yoga registration package?  If you have, did you find a mini intention stick with a smiley face.  Ask your child if they remember the "Happy stick," from the Yoga assembly and how they would use them?

However, if your kids are similar to mine and gave you a brief description of what they are, then no worries, I have got you covered.

The "Happy stick" is intended to instill the value of gratefulness in our children.  Research shows that people who make time to practice gratitude on an ongoing basis end up feeling an innate sense of happiness:)

So why wait till Thanksgiving, why not make every day a day to express our gratitude!

Recommended Use:  Take a moment with your child and while they are holding the Happy stick remind them to smile and share 2-3 things that they feel thankful/grateful for.   Once they are done sharing feel free to model the same by holding the stick and sharing 2-3 things you may be grateful for.  See if you can make this a family tradition and incorporate this gratitude practice in your weekly if not daily routine.

Encourage your kids to think of not just the material gifts but also the intangible gifts they may have such as health, safety, family support etc which make our daily experiences special.

I would love to hear any other ideas you may have on practicing gratitude with kids.  Do you and your family have your own special tradition, please comment below and share.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016



 Lunch Time Yoga for Grades 1, 2 & 3

Yoga Sprouts (Grades 1-3): Children will have the opportunity to explore yoga poses and mindfulness through books, songs, story telling, art and games.  The program fosters strength (physical and emotional), creativity, focus, body awareness, kindness and self-regulation in a safe and non-competitive environment.

Teacher Profile:  Ummul is a RUPS mom who has been studying yoga and mindfulness for over 8 years and has been teaching Kids Yoga since 2013.  To learn more about Ummul and her fun Yoga classes, check out her blog posts on this website: www.BlossomYogaKids.com

Start Date:  Wednesday, May 4th      End Date: Wednesday June 8th

Cost:  Each session is $8 for a total of 
$48 for 6 sessions 
Please send the completed form back to your child’s teacher along with cash or cheque* by Thursday April, 28th
*Cheques payable to: Ummul Patrawala