Over the next few weeks, we will be on a journey of discovery that we all truly are super heroes and we don't need to have super powers to be a super hero.
One of the key skills that super heroes have is that they are calm no matter what the challenge. And our little super heroes have been honing this skill by breathing mindfully, as we went through our quests this week.
Our first quest took us to the rainforest, where we did a lot of fun poses (lion, cat, forward bend, squats, snake pose, plank pose) and our challenge was to uncover the secret path to the treasure.
The second quest took us through the enchanted woods, where we had to put our thinking skills to a test, and mindfully stop, breathe and think and guess and act out the yoga pose. We got to do many fun poses tree, bridge, boat, bow, downward dog and at the end of solving all our clues, each super hero earned their stars for a mission well done:)
The smiles on the faces as they put on their capes and led the team with a pose was priceless. We also learned that we don't need to have super powers to be a super hero, simply by trusting ourselves we can be our best and accomplish things just like super heroes!
Suggested Activity: Talk to your child about what talents they think they have and then have them come up with some talents that super heroes that they like have.
In class, we talked about this briefly with the older kids and the list had words such as strong, brave, powerful, anyone. It made it quite clear for all of us that these are talents that we all have and we can definitely be super heroes in our daily lives)