We transitioned into our Yoga poses, where everyone had a wonderful time playing Freeze and Move and selecting a pose performed by some of their favorite characters. They all loved the game and ended up challenging themselves with some new poses.
Suggested Activity: I will be handing out Breathing Graphs to all of them tomorrow. It is a fun visual way for kids to start learning and gaining breath awareness based on physical changes in the body. Have fun with it and create a version of that graph for each of your family member(s) and observe, discuss and graph as a family. Some of the questions you want to ask are how does your breath feel when you are playing, or sitting, or balloon breathing. Guide them with words such as short, long, cold, warm, fast, calm, and also help them observe how many breaths they end up taking in half a minute after different activities. I am looking forward to introducing the graph to the kids tomorrow and guiding them with their observations.